What is an Enterprise Agreement?

A legally binding agreement between workers and management that details the conditions and entitlements of employees including leave, salaries, employment types, span of hours, workloads. University agreements typically run for several years. Universities can be held accountable if they fail to follow their Agreements. In general, workplaces with enterprise agreements have significantly better conditions and entitlements than those without.

What is a Log of Claims?

The list of changes sought by the negotiating parties, including management, to the existing Agreement. Local NTEU members meet together to contribute to the Log of Claims, with further input from the national organisation.

What is good faith bargaining?

Means that all parties are expected to meet with the other side, exchanging bargaining proposals and making a sincere attempt to reach an agreement. If parties do not bargain in good faith, the Fair Work Commission can be asked to intervene.

What is enterprise bargaining?

The process of renegotiating an agreement between union members and management. When a new agreement is negotiated, it must be endorsed by more that 50 per cent of voting staff and approved by the Fair Work Commission.

What is a non-union ballot?

When management seeks staff approval for a new agreement that has not been endorsed by union members. In 2020 the University of Melbourne sought a non-union ballot to lower the pay of all staff claiming it would save jobs. NTEU members mobilised in a vote no campaign and staff voted no against this measure.

What is a Protected Action Ballot Order (PABO) and why do you need it to take strike action?

Under the Fair Work Act, only union members are allowed to take industrial action and only after they have jumped through procedural hurdles such as a Protected Action Ballot where more than 50 per cent of the membership endorses the types of industrial action they may take.

What is Protected Industrial Action?

Members of a union that has fulfilled the obligations of a PABO can take actions that place pressure on management to accede to union members’ bargaining demands. Actions could include a week long strike or bans on particular work activities. Often it is these actions that bring management back to the negotiating table. The more staff involved, the greater the pressure on management.

How is an agreement endorsed?

Once the parties to the Agreement have finalised negotiations, staff to be covered by the new Agreement vote on whether to approve it. To be approved, more than 50 per cent of voting staff must endorse it.

How did we get to where we are in bargaining?

October 2021 NTEU Bargaining survey developed by members

December 2021 NTEU Bargaining survey promoted -over 2,000 UniMelb staff take the survey

August 2022 Draft log of claims developed using survey results and with additional feedback from various staff working groups

April 2022 Bargaining team approved by NTEU UniMelb branch committee

August 2022 Draft log of claims endorsed by over NTEU 450 members

August 2022 Log of claims served to the University

September 2022 NTEU bargaining team meets with UniMelb bargaining team to walk through the Log of Claims

September 2022 Notice of Employee Representational Rights (NERR) issued by the University

September 2022 NTEU bargaining team serves draft enterprise agreement

October 2022 NTEU bargaining team meets with UniMelb bargaining team for Financial Briefing with CFO

October 2022 NTEU provides dates of availability to negotiation with management on claims and draft EA

November 2022 UniMelb management shared their draft EA with staff

End November 2022 Bargaining sessions reviewing management proposals begin

Where are we in 2023?

February 2023 Informing Management of Industrial Action 

March 2023 Protected Action Ballot Submitted 

April 2023 Protected Action Ballot Approved 

May Strike 2023 Large action strike in unity with other NTEU branches.

May 2023 Strike No Installation of Chancellor due to Union Pressure. 

June 2023 Parental Leave Win 

June 2023 24 Hour Strike