29 November 2022
The NTEU UniMelb branch bargaining team met with management to review proposals for a new staff agreement. After input from thousands of staff into our draft proposal, management responded with "NO" to the claims we presented at the meeting.
NO to:
- Making 80% of university jobs ongoing.
- Giving staff the peace of mind of not be subjected to more than one restructure over the life of the new agreement.
- Restricting management from implementing non-voluntary redundancies.
- Providing parity on redundancy benefits between academic and professional staff
Most disappointing in this meeting was the apparent lack of key decision makers from management showing up to the table.
Thousands of UniMelb union members and union curious university staff have engaged in preparing thoughtful proposals (see our timeline in our FAQ's) to improve our workplaces. For management to show they are taking our work seriously, their key decision makers must be at the bargaining table.
Simply put, we can't afford to wait any longer for a new EBA.